Friday, February 1, 2013

different is good. dare i say it? different is better

I hate when I feel like tapioca pudding. I've never had tapioca pudding but in the books that they used to make us read back in high school the term was always used to describe people that were bland and devoid of unique opinions. For me, this is the worst feeling. Ever. I hate when I'm looking at fashion blogs, or watching TV, or listening to music and everything is just alright, fine, or ok. Nothing jumps out at me as great, but equally, nothing is horrendous or undesireable. Why do people feel they must agree with people instead of expressing their own opinions? We suppress our instincts and opinions so often to please others or be accepted that we no longer have them anymore and therefore become devoid of flavor.

I haven't been feeling this way very often lately, but when I do I try everything I can to get rid of it. Even if it means doing things I hate, I will do anything to get my unique opinions back and break away from the mainstream. I have lots of opinions and I will be sharing them more here on this blog (which I haven't been doing very much lately. sorry). Giving you an inside look into the world through my crazy brain-lens, I will probably deliver to you the most bizarre flavor of pudding, which im sure will sometimes taste like crap. But bear with me as i share with you my strange appeals. Now, all this pudding talk is making me hungry...

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